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The Legacy Collective Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy
Code of Conduct
Parent Volunteer Requirements

Cancellation & Refund Policy

By purchasing a membership and/or registering for any classes or events of Heritage Homeschoolers’ The Legacy Collective you indicate that you accept and agree to the following terms and conditions. 
  • A Heritage Black or Gold Memberships is required to receive Heritage semester registration fees and Clubhouse class discounts.

  • No refunds will be given for any memberships after the term has begun.​

Class Cancellation Policies

The following cancellation policies apply to semester Clubhouse Day classes.

  • Classes Canceled by an Individual:
    • Classes can be changed without financial penalty if the enrollment minimum for the class has not been met or the general registration period has not expired. If a class change is requested before the the general registration period has expired and the enrollment minimum has been met, a refund of the difference between the old class and new class will be given.

    • No refunds will be given when a request to cancel class registration has been submitted during the late registration period. ​

    • No refunds will be given for any class registration fees after both general or late registration periods have closed.


Request to Cancel a Class:

Formal request to cancel a class must be made by following the steps from the "Request To Cancel A Class" video here.


  • Classes Canceled by The Legacy Collective:
    • Classes that are canceled due to conflicts at The Legacy Collective or conflicts with our instructors, we will offer a partial and/or full credit of the class cost. 

    • Partial credit varies based on the cost of the class and number of class sessions canceled.  


Class Drop Policy
  • Any student that does not attend their registered Clubhouse class after two weeks will be automatically dropped from the class without a refund.

Class Make-Up Policy
  • Due to the nature of our schedule we do not offer make-ups.

  • For outdoor classes, in the event of inclement weather that begins while a class is in session, class will be moved indoors. As the weather is out of our control, we cannot offer credits for classes that are moved indoors.


Class Age Restrictions & Enrollment Denial

At The Legacy Collective, all classes are designated at a recommended age based on the class type, content, and/or at our vendor's request. While we have some flexibility with enrolling students outside the recommended age range, we strive to create class spaces that are conducive for peer-to-peer interactions. There are instances where enrollment may be denied based on the following conditions:

  • Vendor's Requirement:  If our class vendor sets a strict age requirement.

  • Participant's Readiness: When a participant's physical, maturity, independence and/or skills level does not align with the class requirements such as coursework, discussions, or activities.

  • Safety Concerns: If there is an increased safety risk for the participant due to:

    • Interacting with older participants.

    • Engaging with specific tools or machinery.


Priority for enrollment will be given to students within the recommended age group to ensure that classes are tailored to their age-appropriate needs and abilities.

The Legacy Collective Code of Conduct 

Many families choose to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons. However, Heritage Homeschoolers strive to create a wholesome and safe environment conducive for creativity, learning and fun for their families.   


We hold all programming in a house of worship. Despite your personal religious beliefs, everyone on campus is expected to speak and behave in a manner that shows respect to the facility. 


All participants are expected to:
  • Be kind & respectful to others

  • Clean up after themselves and maintain the integrity of the campus

  • Refrain from use of obscene language, gestures, name calling and/or insults 

  • Refrain from behavior that can result in harming yourself or others

  • Refrain from behavior that will result in property damage

  • Respect others personal space and property

  • Clean up after themselves to maintain the integrity of the facility.


Students are also expected to:
  • Attend all registered classes while on campus

  • Discontinue use of cell phones and other electronic devices are during class, unless required for class’s coursework.

  • Use stairs only, the elevators are reserved for parents with strollers, participants with mobility challenges and for freight use.


Parents are expected to:
  • Be present onsite and/or in the building the entire time their child(ren) are participating in activities, or have a responsible caregiver present. 

  • Parents are responsible for actively watching their children during lunchtime and recess.

Student Disciplinary Protocol 

We operate on the following “Three Strikes” disciplinary action plan. 


Strike One
  • Teacher/Adult in charge will talk with the student about his/her misbehavior, the parent will be notified. 

Strike Two
  • Teacher/Adult in charge will talk with the student about his/her misbehavior, and the student will be required to sit with the parent for the remainder of the class and/or day.  

Strike Three
  • Teacher/Adult in charge and The Legacy Collective leadership will meet with the parent and student regarding the misbehavior at which time a disciplinary decision will be determined.  


Immediate dismissal from The Legacy Collective without refund will be administered for the following offenses:
  • Any verbal harassment and/or attacks

  • Physical assault

  • Vandalism of any kind

  • Bullying, threats and/or intimidation towards others 

  • Unsafe conduct regarding a younger children

  • Inappropriate touch

  • Theft

  • Being in possession of weapons, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco products, vape pens, or alcoholic beverages 

Facility Policy

All TLC participants are required to conduct themselves in a manner that respects and preserves the facility and campus. 

  • Costs associated with accidental or intentional property damages will become the financial obligation of the participant that caused the damage.

Parent Teamwork Requirements

The Legacy Collective is truly a cooperative effort in that every family shares some level of responsibility to ensure its success. A high level of parent participation is expected. All families participating in The Legacy Collective are required to fulfill their Parent Teamwork Commitment according to their membership plan and participation at The Legacy Collective.  


Heritage Black Membership Holders:

  • Commit to serving in ONE (1) role for each Community Day they attend. We welcome those who wish to offer additional assistance.

  • Community Day Parent-Teachers/Leads have been automatically added to the October 3rd Facility Duty day. I a conflict in that date for you, please send an email on the pre-determined dates along with their Teachers’ Duties.

  • If you are unable to attend a Community Day that you previously sign-up to serve/volunteer in a teamwork role, you must email prior to that Community Day. Failure to notify the TLC team negatively impacts our support efforts and resource consumption for the day and could would be counted as a "No Show" against you.


Heritage Gold Membership Holders:

  • Commit to serving a total of FOUR (4) times per semester. We welcome those who wish to offer additional assistance.

  • Clubhouse Parent-Teachers are only required to fulfill Facility Duty on TWO (2) pre-determined dates along with their Teachers’ Duties.


Non-Heritage TLC Membership Holders:
  • Commit to serving a total of FIVE (5) times per semester. We welcome those who wish to offer additional assistance.


Only 1 adult per family needs to volunteer regardless of how many students they have enrolled.  Just a few of the roles may be performed by older, responsible high school students on behalf of their families.


Teamwork Commitment Policy for Clubhouse Days and TLC Community Days

At TLC, we believe in fostering a culture of responsibility and respect for each other's time. Our teamwork commitments are essential for maintaining the smooth operation of the community and ensuring that all members are contributing as agreed. To maintain fairness and accountability, we have established the following policy regarding "No Shows," rescheduling, and fees associated with missed commitments.


Clubhouse Days: No Show Policy
  • 1st No Show / No Reschedule: If you fail to attend your assigned Clubhouse Day without prior notice or rescheduling, a $25 commitment violation fee will be automatically charged to your account 2 business days after the missed commitment.

  • 2nd No Show / No Reschedule: A second occurrence of failing to attend your assigned Clubhouse Day without rescheduling or notifying us will result in a $25 commitment violation fee plus a suspension of your account.

  • Account Reactivation: To reactivate your suspended account, a $50 reinstatement fee is required. This fee must be paid before you can enroll for the following semester.

TLC Community Days: No Show Policy
  • If you fail to fulfill your ONE (1) TLC Community Day teamwork commitment by either not showing up or failing to communicate a replacement/reschedule, you will forfeit your privilege to attend the next scheduled Community Day.

  • Responsibility to Communicate: If you are unable to attend your scheduled TLC Community Day, it is your responsibility to inform us in advance. You must either:

    • Provide the name of a replacement to take your spot, or

    • Request to reschedule your participation to a different day, prior to your assigned Community Day.

Rescheduling Process
  • If you need to reschedule your Clubhouse Day or TLC Community Day commitment, you must notify us as soon as possible, providing an alternate date or the name of a replacement. Reschedules should be arranged at least 48 hours before your original commitment.

  • Failure to provide advance notice or make arrangements to reschedule will result in the penalties outlined above.

Enforcement of Policy
  • The $25 commitment violation fee will be automatically charged to your account within 2 business days following a missed commitment.

  • Account suspension and reinstatement fees will be enforced according to the terms outlined for second violations.

Final Note
  • By participating in TLC’s community activities, you agree to adhere to this policy and maintain the commitment to your scheduled Teamwork Days. Our community relies on each member to show up and contribute, and we appreciate your cooperation in upholding these standards.


For questions or to notify us of a missed commitment, reschedule, or replacement, please contact us directly at



Volunteer Roles & Duties

The following descriptions outline the duties and responsibilities of each volunteer role available.


Facility Monitor/Parent On Duty: 
  • Responsibilities include duties such as:

    • ​Monitor entrances and exits points, letting in authorized persons only

    • Monitoring the halls, bathrooms and classrooms

    • Monitoring, reminding, and enforcing students code of conduct

    • Ensuring that students and parents are remaining in designated areas while in the building

    • Ensuring that classrooms are clear during lunch and recess, and building is clear at the end of day

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior

  • Only adults are eligible to perform this duty

Welcome Table: ​
  • Responsibilities include duties such as:

    • Meet and greet families

    • Answer general questions

    • Meet & direct 3rd party vendors to classroom area

    • Distribute volunteer materials.

  • High School & mature Middle School age eligible to perform this duty.


Lunch Monitor
  • Responsibilities include duties such as: 

    • Assist with setting up additional tables and chairs when needed
    • ​Wiping down tables & chairs

    • Monitoring, reminding, and enforcing students code of conduct

    • Vacuuming and/or sweeping lunchroom

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior

  • High School & mature Middle School age eligible to perform this duty.


Recess Monitor
  • Responsibilities include duties such as: 

    • Getting out recess & putting away equipment
    • ​Walking students to & from playground and other designated recess areas

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior

  • Only adults are eligible to perform this duty


Facility Cleaning: 
  • Responsibilities include duties such as:

    • Wiping down tables, chairs, and kitchen surfaces 
    • ​Picking up and sitting out trash

    • Vacuuming and/or sweeping classrooms, Youth Cafe or Youth Sanctuary as needed

    • Wiping down counters and restocking bathroom supplies

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior

  • This includes all used areas such as classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, auditoriums, etc. 

  • High School & mature Middle School age eligible to perform this duty.


Community Service Leads: Community Days 
  • Responsibilities include duties such as:

    • Lead their group in a pre determined community service project. Community service projects are divided into the following groups,

      • Littles

      • Elementary

      • Middle School

      • High School

  • ​Only adults are eligible to perform this duty


Community Assembly Assistant 
  • Responsibilities include duties such as:

    • ​Helps plan and coordinate monthly Community Day assembly/events

    • Attend planning meetings (2-3 Zoom meetings with the possibility of 1 being an in-person meeting)

    • Fulfill duty assignments

    • Assist in carrying out a day of tasks

  • ​Only adults are eligible to perform this duty

Parent-Teachers & The Legacy Collective Support Team

Teacher Volunteers

Parent-Teachers that are leading a class on Clubhouse or Community Day are still required to volunteer for at least one additional volunteer duties during the quarter they are teaching. Each class will consist of a lead teacher and teacher aide. The following description outlines the tasks and responsibilities for each role. â€‹


Lead Teacher: 
  • Approximate time commitment: Hours vary between 10:00 am – 3:15 pm 

  • Responsibilities include, but may not be limited to:  

    • Plan & prep all class activities and projects

    • Attend quarterly Teachers Collaborative meeting

    • Setting up supplies for class

    • Monitoring and assisting students during class activities

    • Tidying the room in preparation for next class

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior


Teacher Aide: 
  • Approximate time commitment: Hours vary between 10:15 am – 2:50 pm 

  • Responsibilities include, but may not be limited to:  

    • Help lead teacher with prep for class projects and activities

    • Assisting lead teacher with class lesson and activities

    • Escorting younger students to parent during class

    • Monitoring and assisting students during class activities

    • Reminding students of and enforcing student’s code of conduct

    • Step in sub if the lead teacher is absent

    • Follow Disciplinary Protocol for any student misbehavior


The Legacy Collective Support Team Members

Parents that take a lead or support role on The Legacy Collective Support Team is only required to volunteer once per semester if they are NOT teaching or performing on-site duties associated with their team volunteer role.



The following discount will be available prior to registration opening for the semester.


Clubhouse Parent-Teacher  Benefits
  • $75 credit for each semester class lead by parent-teacher 

  • End of Year Teachers Celebration invitation


Clubhouse Substitute Teacher Team Benefits
  • $25 credit for teaching semester 

  • End of Year Teachers Celebration invitation


Clubhouse Student-Teacher  Benefits
  • $5 pay per student enrolled in the class they are leading 

  • End of Year Teachers Celebration invitation

  • ​

Leadership/Support Team Benefits:
  • 15% off of total class enrollment fees per registered semester 

  • End of Year Teachers Celebration invitation

Health Policy

Volunteers, staff, parents, and/or students should NOT attend The Legacy Collective with any of the following symptoms: 
  • Excessive coughing and/or runny nose

  • Diarrhea or vomiting

  • Fever ( a measured temperature of at least 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)

  • Head lice

  • Undiagnosed rash, sore, or other skin condition

  • Any other contagious disease or symptom, including but not limited to COVID-19 or Influenza


A child must be diarrhea, vomiting and fever-free for a full 24 hours before returning to The Legacy Collective. 

Waiver Of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement

For and in consideration of my participation in any Heritage Homeschoolers of Cobb County’s The Legacy Collective program or activity I do hereby enter into the following covenant:


I do hereby agree not to sue The Legacy Collective, Heritage Homeschoolers of Cobb County, the facility's volunteer staff, officers, directors, agents or assignees for any reason arising from my participation in such activity.


This covenant not to sue shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, the administrator or executor of my estate or upon any others acting on behalf of myself or my estate. It is expressly understood that this covenant not to sue is entered into for the purpose of avoiding litigation and is a prerequisite to my participation in such activities. This covenant to sue shall be a defense to any action or proceeding which I may bring, or which may be brought, instituted, or taken by my heirs, the executors or administrators of my estate, or any others on my behalf of my estate, against any of the parties listed in the first portion of this document. 


I expressly assume all risks and hazards associated with the activities and assume all responsibility, including but not limited to financial responsibility, for any injury, including death, that I may receive while in, or upon the premises where the activities are being conducted.


This covenant not to sue covers, but is not limited to acts of negligence, either by commission or omission, of any type, kind or nature whatsoever.


I hereby state that I am under no disability to contract and have read and understand this covenant not to sue and have entered into it voluntarily.


I am legally authorized to agree on behalf of my children and/or those under my guardianship to hold harmless the above-named parties in the event of accident or illness experienced by the undersigned and/or that child or those minor children in his or her charge, against the claims of any party in the occurrence of such an event. 


As a parent or guardian, I have also agreed to this terms and conditions agreement. I acknowledge that my family and I will be required to leave The Legacy Collective if you do not comply with The Legacy Collective Code of Conduct. I have explained the policies of The Legacy Collective to my children, and to my children’s designated caregiver, who fully understand and agree to abide by these policies when they participate in The Legacy Collective activities. 

Volunteer Roles & Duties
Age Restrictions
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